Complete frames and trusses
Fix DPC to bottom plate of frame
Cover rebate completely
Overlap DPC at corners
Wall wrap
Install wall wrap as specified by supplier ensuring it overlaps DPC at base
Check control joint layouts for installation of discontinuous top hats
Check the number of top hats and screws required (refer to tables on
pages 6 and 7)
Use packers and pack top hat to string line where required, screw to frame
Check with a straight edge/spirit level that top hats are plumb
Install top hats above and below openings
Cut panels to size (refer to Appendix A notes on page 54)
Ensure any exposed steel reinforcing has been coated with Hebel anti-
corrosion paint
Mix adhesive to a thick flowable consistency
Apply Hebel adhesive to entire edge of panel with notched trowel
The use of notched trowel to apply Hebel adhesive at the panel joints
is essential to ensure sufficient adhesive is applied. Insufficient
application of adhesive at the panel joints may result in hairline cracks
at the joints.
Check control joint layout
Install backing rod into control joint at the required depth
Apply suitable sealant to control joint
Clean up any excess sealant ensuring it does not adhere to panel face.
Corner Power Panel XL panel to be installed first, lifting into place using
panel lifters
Fix panel to top hats (refer to tables on pages 6 and 7)
Check panel is straight and level Continue installation by lifting
panels into position Butt panel tightly to adjoining panel, screwing off as you go Adhesive should slightly ooze from the joint Once the joint adhesive is semi hard it can be cleaned up with a pallet knife, ensuring adhesive is flush with the panel face Patch holes and panel damage
Trim off excess DPC
Lightly sand and prepare surface ready for acrylic coating